Stories by Dick Bussiere

The age of containerisation and its impact on security
Fri, 30th Jun 2017
application security
A major concern is that enterprise adoption and deployment of DevOps and containers is outpacing the approach used to secure them.

Asian cybersecurity confidence levels take a dip
Wed, 19th Apr 2017
email security
With nation-state cyber attacks, malware intrusions & massive data breaches every day, it is no surprise that cybersecurity is top of mind.

Rise of new technologies a major concern for Asian cybersecurity professionals
Thu, 16th Mar 2017
endpoint protection
cloud security
As Asian economies rapidly adopt cloud & mobile working, it is critical for Asian governments & enterprises to re-think enterprise IT security.

Shadow IT: Why danger lurks in dark spaces
Wed, 8th Mar 2017
cloud security
shadow it
The presence of unknown cloud services makes it difficult for security teams to identify and manage the organisations total attack surface.