SecurityBrief Asia - Technology news for CISOs & cybersecurity decision-makers

Andrew Huntley stories

Andrew Huntley is a prolific writer with a strong focus on technology, particularly within the Asia Pacific region. His insightful columns shed light on the dynamic field of software-defined wide area networks (SD-WAN), cloud adoption challenges, and security concerns that shape IT strategies across Australian businesses. Andrew's interest in how technological transformations such as cloud computing and remote working impact security frameworks and business operations is evident throughout his work.

Huntley's articles frequently explore the interplay between technological advancement and its integration within corporate environments, as seen in his discussions on Australia's embracing of SD-WAN technology, often led by the financial sector for enhanced security and cloud integration. Moreover, his discourse extends to specialized areas such as the implementation of shared security models in cloud environments, highlighting common oversights by developers regarding necessary security controls. Andrew's narrative also addresses localized solutions, detailing the expansion of email protection services by companies like Barracuda to better serve Australian businesses with a focus on local data storage solutions.