Stories by Yvette Lejins

Should Australian CISOs be wary of creeping confidence?
Fri, 28th Jul 2023
data protection
cso / ciso
Only 53% of Australian businesses feel at risk of a cyber attack in the next year, according to a Proofpoint survey.

Singapore and Cyber Attacks: Boards and CISOs are Not Aligned
Mon, 6th Mar 2023
cso / ciso
Alarmingly, only 62% of Singaporean board members believe that their organisation is prepared for a cyber attack.

High-profile data leaks in Australia add a new level of urgency to cybersecurity protections
Fri, 24th Feb 2023
email security
Board buy-in essential for reducing cyber attack risk, as recent high-profile breaches highlight vulnerabilities. People-centric approach needed.

Building on the ‘Essential Eight’ with a people-centric approach to cybersecurity
Wed, 16th Nov 2022
breach prevention
risk & compliance
Organisations often combat threats by placing too much emphasis on technology alone and too little emphasis on people and their behaviour.